Thursday, March 12, 2015

Building a Website

Ok.  I will be building a website soon and am very excited to start that.  I've been busy revising and editing my manuscript for Island of the Dolls and will be sending it out to query agents very soon. 

Now.  I've noticed that a lot of writers are cat lovers.  I have two, a grey tabby and a black fur ball.  This is Gracie pictured...
CatConLA is happening soon and I will be going.  Check it out if you live in Los Angeles.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

To Comic-Con or Not to Comic-Con--hhmmm

Oh my, I have not posted a Blog in a while.. eekksss.  Well, today I am debating on trying to get tickets for San Diego's Comic-Con in July.  The price for hotels are Crazy expensive, but's Comic-Con!  Practically everyone who's Everyone will be there... I bet the cast of Walking Dead! :0

Stan Lee's Comikaze

Sunday, January 11, 2015

My second blog :)


Let my start off by saying............the Pitch Party on Friday for #Secretshop was exciting and fun!  I was at work following along and keeping an eye on my twitter feed, and of course, pitching my Manuscript.  I did get an agent who "star" my pitch ::YAY::  I sent her my query and hope to get a reply.

What I've been preoccupied with all day today (instead of cleaning the house) is with Trivia Crack.  My daughter and niece got me hooked on it.  What a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A little about Me

 I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday and a great start of the New Year. 
This is my first Blog ever and I'm excited to get this started!  I must admit, (ahem) I had some help from my twelve year old..  :) 

Now, a little about me.  Well, I live in the greater Los Angeles area.  I love L.A. 
I have a very lively imagination and I've always loved to write.  I was so thrilled to complete my writers course with the Institute of Children's Literature in June (Diploma is hanging in my study room).  I've been working really hard on my first ever Manuscript and tomorrow I will be taking part on a Pitch Party on Twitter. 

I'm American (Born and raised in US of A) and I'm also half Mexican-half Italian.  I have family in Mexico and was very interested in one of the islands in Xochimilco.  Being that said, I decided to write my novel about the Island of the Dolls.  The island was recently featured on Ghost Adventures (Great show!) AND my sister recently went to Mexico and visited the island with my cousin.  (Thanks sis and Mock! Love you guys!) 
I would like to share One of the many pictures that I have so that you can get a 'feel' of it. :)

See.  Pretty creepy if you ask me.  
They also do night tours for those interested (uh..)
Julian Santana Barrera lived on the island.  One day, he found a little girl floating face down in the water near the edge of his land.  He tried to resuscitate her with no luck, it was assumed that she drowned.  Weeks later, he found an old doll floating in the same area where he found the little girl.  As tribute, he hung the doll.  Julian believed that there were spirits in the area and that it was of the little girl.  He started collecting dolls and hung them around to protect the little girl.  Fifty years later, Julian died of a heart attack in the exact location where he found the little girls body.  His nephew now lives on the island, giving tours.  There's an alter with Julian's picture and the original doll that was found.  At times, the nephew will see a boat with a light--and then it disappears.  He will also hear dragging footsteps at night and believes it is the spirits. 
Well my friends.  I must go prepare for the Pitch Party tomorrow.  If you are on Twitter, please follow me:  @od(underscore)ette(underscore)  if you do, please feel free to retweet (but don't star/favorite-that's for agents).  Thank you and I will be blogging again very soon! 